Keep a Distance from Smartphone

There are approximately 5.1 billion mobile phone or smartphone users worldwide. Some 3 billion smartphone users are using social network services.
-Announced by marketing research specialist 'We are Social' & social media management service provider 'HootSuite'
What if you left your cell phone at home this morning?
Or how would you feel if the phone battery goes dead while you are your of office?

It is a short for no mobile-phone phobia.
It is an irrational fear or anxiety disorder caused by the absence of your cell phone.
Anxiety x restlessness x horror with nothing but just a brief imagination.
All of a sudden, so many things will become complicated and frustrating without a smartphone we heavily reply on, ranging from paying for transportation to checking out news, listening to music while in transportation, determining a place to meet with friends and check your work e-mail.
Sure, the smartphone ahs made revolutionary changes in our lives!
It offers more convenience with new and innovative functions day after day and our reliance on smartphone is increasingly accordingly.
In a survey of the severity of excessive reliance on smartphone in our society, more than 65% have found it 'serious'.
-Announced by the Ministry of Science and ICT and National Information Society Agency
Phone + snubbing
It means ignoring or annoying a conversation partner by focusing too much on a mobile phone.
Many of us tend to neglect or ignore human relationship and have difficulties in making direct communications.
Excessive reliance on or fatigue from a frequent use of smartphones has caused repercussion or countermeasure against it under the name of digital detoxification.
Digital Detox
It is a shorted combination word of digital plus detoxification.
It means stopping using digital devices and taking a rest without
Also known as digital diet or unplugging, digital detox means taking a sufficient rest while keeping smart devices and other digital devices away for a while.
-Do not bring your smartphone to bed
-Switch off notifications in SNS and messenger
-Read paper-based books instead of smartphone
-Washington Post
Smart and intelligent life is certainly not bad but don't forget that you have to empty your life sometimes in order to fill it with something again.
It is time to turn your eyes to your forgotten everyday life, "you may leave it for a short while".
-Eric Schmidt