The Power of Minor Changes, Nudge

Lake Shore Road in Chicago boasts a spectacular view along Lake Michigan, but it has dangerous sections as it has a series of S curves. The city authorities have drawn white lines on the road from the start of dangerous curves.
Compared to the lines in the beginning that have even haps, the gaps in the most dangerous curves are narrowed, leaving the impression that cars are driving faster and making drivers slow down instinctively.
A metro station in Stockholm, Sweden, has a piano staircase next to the escalator that most people use. People were interested in the sound of the stairs each time they stepped on them. Since the piano staircase was built, users have increased by more than 66%.
'Nudge effect'
'Nudge' means 'to poke with an elbow',
which means bringing about voluntary changes from people with a small stimulus.

It means that soft and circumventive intervention is much more effective in inducing desirable choices that forcing someone by saying 'Do this!' or 'Don't do this!'
Though 'Nudge', changing things won't be as hard as we think.
We will be able to bring amazing changes in the areas we may overlook only if we pay a little attention.
Minor change, what should we start with?